Black Knight


The eSign, RON, and eNotary capabilities within the DocVerify platform have transitioned to Expedite.

Since 2014, Expedite has helped many of the nation's largest lenders conduct electronic signature and secure document delivery. The Expedite eNotarization solution was introduced to the market, we have successfully converted several DocVerify customers to Expedite eNotarization. There are many new features and improvements in the Expedite eNotarization solution that will help you work more efficiently.

  • Intuitive application workflow.
  • Support for all mobile phone makes and models.
  • New lobby for signers.
  • More tagging options.
  • Improved template capability.
  • No more credits and tokens - Expedite offers one fee for all transactions, no matter the number of documents or participants (existing credits and tokens will be transferable as explained in more detail below).

Please note the appearance of your account setting and commission management may have changed. Please use this link Login | Simplifile ( to access your notarization account. Upon entry of your email address on the login page you will be prompted to create a new password. Upon login you can find access to helpful videos and instructions.

Please Note

In the event that you have not completed your conversion agreement please refer to the following.

You have received a services agreement under a separate cover identified by a subject line leading with "Expedite Conversion Agreement Document Delivery Service". This document will be delivered by the Expedite eSign tool and requires execution to finalize the creation of your Expedite account. Within 72 hours of executing your services agreement, you will receive a notification to establish your password for your Expedite account. At that point, you will be able to log in to Expedite and access all the training and instructional materials in our help content.

Communication and support

Your DocVerify support team will remain in place and unchanged during this transition process and beyond. You can reach the support team at with any questions.

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