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VeriVault Verification Platform
VeriVault How It Works
What Makes It Unique
Compliance Is Important
White Papers
Seven Layers of Security for Unprecedented Peace of Mind
The VeriVault
Verification Platform creates a truly unique document security environment by establishing what we call our “Seven Layers of Security”
Cover page with bar coding and watermarking technologies
Each DocVerify document contains a unique watermark specifically created for that document.
Each cover page has its own barcoding sequence utilizing the bates numbering system identifying it as the cover page.
Time stamping, bar coding, unique numbering, and watermarking for every page
Each DocVerify document contains a unique watermark specifically created for that document.
Prevents document manipulation or camera-based attacks by stamping each page with the date and time the document was created, page numbers, unique bar codes, bates numbering system, and dynamically embedded watermarks.
Unique 128 bit DocVerify IDs
Each DocVerify document has a unique 128-bit ID, which consists of 32 hexadecimal digits, making it virtually impossible for any ID duplication.
Two unique hash fingerprints
DocVerify uses strong secure hash algorithms 384-bit or 512-bit one-way hashes or “message digests” to create a unique fingerprint of the documents; whereas, most providers use the very weak SHA1 algorithm which is vulnerable to attacks.
Compliant PKI technologies
Each document is protected with strong PKI hashing. Certificates are stored securely and encrypted in order to protect them from being compromised. This is a good thing. Ask your local hacker.
Unique bar codes
Every DocVerify-ed page has a unique bar code that identifies that individual page. The bar codes utilize the bates numbering system within the bar codes.
Unique Digital Signatures
DocVerify utilizes a digital signature method known as short-lived certificates. In most cases, certificates are issued every two to three years, but DocVerify certificates expire several times daily. This method prevents a hacker of using a certificate to sign documents on your behalf if a compromise is not detected, where most providers will not be aware of a compromise until it's too late.
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