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Secure E-Signature Management
E-Signature Overview | DocVerify
E-Signature Applications
E-Signature Features
Easy Sign E-Signatures
Remote Signature Placement
Webhook System
E-Signature Testimonials
Remote Notary [E-Notary] Software Platform | DocVerify
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What Is An Electronic Signature?
Electronic Notary, E-Notarization, Remote Notary
Electronic Notarization and Remote Notary Solution
E-Notary Platform - Remote Notary Solution | DocVerify
Electronic Notary Near You [E-Notary Locator] | DocVerify
Electronic Notary Journals | DocVerify
Become an Online Notary in 2021 in Four Easy Steps | DocVerify
E-Notary and Remote Notary Training | DocVerify
[Updated 2021] What States Allow Remote Notarization? | DocVerify
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DocVerify Solutions for Protection of IP
When you've developed creative or intellectual property, it's vital to be able to prove ownership and creation date. With DocVerify's E-Vault services, you can store your documents in our secure E-Vault, allowing you to establish exactly when and what you created.
Prove Ownership
With DocVerify, your work is stored, time stamped, and encrypted in our secure E-Vault. Anyone you grant access to can then verify the validity of the document and see when it was saved. This audit trail can provide absolute proof of your authorship of these created works.
DocVerify time-stamps and encrypts your document the moment it's stored in the E-Vault. Guarantee the content and creation date of your work.
Create an Audit Trail of Your Work
If you have already stored a piece of intellectual property through DocVerify's E-Vault, but the work goes through substantial revision rounds, you can upload the latest version and create a history of changes. This proves that adjustments and changes were your work alone.
Defensible in Court
DocVerify's E-Vault documents can help settle copyright infringement or intellectual property cases. They are much more secure than PDFs or scanned documents.